About Me

  • 冯超逸
  • Singaporean🇸🇬 living in SG with my wonderful wife Xin and our adorable dog, Macy
  • Software Engineer at Meta (formerly known as Facebook)
  • Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Software Engineering from Fudan University - 博学而笃志,切问而近思 (Seek knowledge, be persistent, question and reflect)
  • Hobbies & Interests:
    • Soccer: A long-time Juventus fan, both playing and watching ⚽️
    • Pickleball: Exploring the new sport
    • Language Learning: Progressing through 日本語 (Japanese)
    • Leisure Activities: Playing music, reading, and watching TV series
    • Gaming: Enjoying PS5 and Switch games, with FIFA being my favorite
  • Media Recommendations: I’ve curated a list of books, movies, and TV series over the years

“Stay hungry, stay young, stay foolish, stay curious, and above all, stay humble. For the moment you believe you have all the answers, the universe will remind you of its vast mysteries.”